Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fun, fun, fun!

Well we are gearing up for Thanksgiving! Thursday we will be here with my family, Friday morning I will hit the Black Friday sales with my sister, and Friday afternoon we will head to Salina to celebrate with Josh's family. It should be a busy, but fun break!

I actually have all of my Christmas decorations up (except the tree, because we get a real one)! I have never been finished this early, so it is very nice to be done! The only difficult part was thinking that our family would have been complete next year. As I was putting on the breakable ornaments and hanging the stockings I kept remembering how I had thought next year would be so different with a baby around again. Our stocking holders are letters that spell out Santa. We have stockings for all of us and Maddy. Since there is still an extra holder, Brooks kept asking who was going to have a stocking on the other "a"? I did good and told him that maybe if we have another baby their stocking could hang there.

Last, but not least. I am pretty much healed physcially from the loss. However I have a painful bladder infection that I am starting antibiotics for today. It just never ends! Hopefully all of these issues will soon cease and the physical part will all be a distant memory. Now if only I could say the same for the emotional part!

"There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings." Hodding Carter, Jr.

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