Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's a small world!

I am part of an online mommy community that has various message boards. For each month there is a specific board. I have been posting on the "August 2004 babies" board since I found out I was pregnant with Brooks. Most of us mommies have been there for five years sharing all our joys and hardships. We all know each other so well that it is hard to believe we are technically strangers. We have shared sibling births, stillbirths, death of a spouse, divorces, everyday joys, and more. The one thing that bonds us together is the fact that we have an August 2004 miracle.

I am telling you all this because I want to share what "my mommies" did for me during this difficult time. Not only have MANY of them sent me cards, but they all banded together, bought, and sent me this necklace they had made. I can't even begin to explain the happiness I felt when I opened the package. Thinking of all we have been through over the last five years it means SO much to me that they would care enough to do something like this for someone they have never met. For those of you reading this, THANK you from the bottom of my heart!!

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