Monday, October 27, 2008

When things go from bad to worse!!

Today I needed to go to the doctor because my ears have been bothering me and every time I take an antibiotic I get a yeast infection (I know, TMI). My doctor is Dr. Brooks, and he is wonderful! I started seeing him after all the hormonal problems I was having post-Brooks. (Plus, his name is awesome!!) However, since he is so wonderful, he is very hard to get into for unplanned things. I called and asked to be seen by someone today and they said Dr. Ray is available. She was the other OB I considered for this pregnancy. I went ahead and made the appointment with her. I could handle it. . . right?!?!

When they called me back it was to an "OB room". Since she is primarily an OB they had the ultrasound gel, all the posters that show the fetal development, etc. The poster directly behind me detailed when exactly the kidneys develop among other organs. Still thinking I could handle this. . . right?!?!

The nurse must have been new because she took about four minutes to count my pulse, had to take my blood pressure twice, and couldn't get the thermometer to read my temperature. Then she sat down to start inputting my information. I was hoping to avoid at all costs mentioning the procedure I just had done with her. She asked about my current meds, allergies, and then asked why I was in today. I told her I was having problems with my ears and that I thought I had a yeast infection from the antibiotic I took three weeks ago. She asked some questions about my ears and then moved on to the other issue. Here is how the conversation went. My thoughts are in paranthesis.

Nurse: "What was the name of the antibiotic you were on and the reason?" (Crap!)

Me: "I don't remember the name. It wasn't something I have been on before." (Please don't ask anymore questions!)

Nurse: "Do you remember what the pill looked like?" (I try not to remember any of that.)

Me: "No." (Just leave and send the doctor in.)

Nurse: "What was the reason you were on the antibiotic?"

. . . . . long awkward pause. . . . .

Me: "I had a therapeutic termination because the baby was not compatible with life."

Nurse: "So, so, so, after you , uh, gave birth, uh, uh, you had the antibiotic?" (Why the hell is she looking at my crotch as she says this and does she not realize I didn't "give birth"?)

Me: "Yes."

Nurse: "Okay the doctor will be in." (I knew she would bolt out the door.)

I sat patiently wondering how this would go with the doctor. Luckily she was very nice and gentle. She asked if the termination was a chromosomal issue and I explained what was wrong with Sweet Pea. She said the infection could be from the antibiotic or the other stuff. But the nicest thing she did was give me the prescription I needed and offered to only do the exam if I thought I needed it. She said she didn't want to put me through another exam if it wasn't necessary. Huge relief!

So I am hanging on. . . barely! I think this quote sums it up beautifully!
"If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again." ~Flavia Weedn

1 comment:

Jess the Mess said...

You don't knwo me but I stumbled accross your blog while reading my sister's blog.
Anyway, the quote at the end your blog today touched my heart. I just wanted to say thank you.