Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why write all this?!?!

I don't want to forget this pregnancy happened. I don't want to become pregnant again and say it is is my second child. I need an outlet for this hurt, anger, rage, and sadness. What better way than to get my thoughts out on here.

Honestly though, the main reason is I am hoping as I look back through this in a month, year, etc. I will realize how far I have come from this dark place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. I always refer to my boyz as the oldest and the youngest, since I did lose a baby in the middle. To people who don't know, they probably just think I have bad grammar, but I know I will never forget and I shouldn't have to pretend that he didn't exist. I have a necklace with a lowercase e on it that I wear everyday in memory of Little E (Ethan). Don't let other people make you feel like you shouldn't think about your lil one everyday. We still go out to dinner on Ethan's birthday just like we do for everyone else.

Stacey (from Aug. 2004 BBC)